
Versions: EyesOfNetwork > 5.2

From the EyesOfNetwork web interface, you may encounter the following error message when viewing “Services”, “Equipment”, “Problems”.

Each of the visualizations below is based on the subcomponent ** thruk **.

Logged as: ?

You are not authorized
It seems like you are not authorized.

Thruk, since version 5.2 of EyesOfNetwork is installed and updated from a community repository not “managed” by the EyesOfNetwork community.


This phenomeno is due to the updating of the ** thruk ** component.

When updating thruk from the “labs_consol_stable” repository, the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/thruk_cookie_auth_vhost.conf was introduced and conflicts with the configuration of EyesOfNetwork.


Deleting the file and restarting the httpd service.

echo "" > /etc/httpd/conf.d/thruk_cookie_auth_vhost.conf
systemctl restart httpd


Applying the eonconf update to a newer version than the published version of thruk will correct this problem.

yum update eonconf