
To date, we have not clearly identified the source, however we have found that the problem arises when we have a Business Process configured, which reinforces the hypothesis of instability caused by the interaction Livestatus <-> Nagios

  • install EON 5.3 + custo AMS => NOK
  • fresh install EON 5.3 => NOK
  • fresh install EON 5.3 + yum update => NOK
  • Using the gearman => NOK

The observation is always the same Nagios crashes following a BP check :

[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] 364 +++>
[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] handle_host_check(7)
[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] ---------------
host Job -> 7, 801
[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] handle_perfdata(7)
[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] add_job_to_queue(perfdata, BP_ALED, 2, 1, 1)
[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] 182 --->DATATYPE::HOSTPERFDATA      TIMET::1603965663       HOSTNAME::BP_ALED       HOSTPERFDATA::runtime=0.003s    HOSTCHECKCOMMAND::check_thruk_bp!(null) HOSTSTATE::0HOSTSTATETYPE::1

[2020-10-29 11:01:03][32194][TRACE] 256 +++>
nagios: libgearman/ void _pop_non_blocking(gearman_client_st*): Assertion `client->universal.options.stored_non_blocking == client->options.non_blocking' failed.

This can happen a few minutes after start-up as well as after 2 hours.

We also noticed this message when starting Nagios :

WARNING: RLIMIT_NPROC is 7259, total max estimated processes is 11374! You should increase your limits (ulimit -u, or limits.conf)

We have tried to modify the value but the change does not seem to be taken into account.


To workaround this problem, we recommend to active an automated restart of Nagios , to do so :

You need to modify the file that bring the automated restart of nagios feature :

vi /etc/systemd/system/

Then you will need to add the following line :


And then restart the service :

systemctl daemon-reload